I Chose Gurbet

Purpose, Approach

The documentary film “I Chose Gurbet” aims to tell that the distant village that we never went to, is not in fact that far away and if we find the courage to visit that village we can even feel ourselves at home there. After meeting, both Gurbet’s and Banu’s lives changed and they managed to build a bridge, a bridge which has been thought impossible to be built. This documentary film is not about a well-off person’s sympathy for the destitute, his/her intent of assimilation or his/her efforts to liken the destitute to himself/herself. It’s about their forming a common language and Banu’s questioning of her social scale. Banu changes herself by questioning what she has done and being awake to her experiences, while Gurbet manages to protect her identity without feeling any inferiority complex, thus to be able to form a solid relationship with Banu.


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